Looking at this view
I'm struck by the thought of another that I've taken on this journey and that I've rather neglected in the itinerary of camera, web cam, eeepc, watercolours, sound recorder, batteries, my internal dialogue etc etc: My body!
Assailed by thoughts of sunburn - this, the first bright but cold day of the year, me with no hat (forgotten in the hotel room), about to walk along Stannage Edge with no shade or cloud cover in sight. My body with its filling bladder, my body that I forgot to bring any food for. My body that gets left out of my romantic/digital debate so far, the sherpa for all this kit I insist on bringing. How can I bring it into this practice? Perhaps this walk is a walk towards this, towards an integration of some sort. Perhaps I'll have to put my coat on with the hood up while I walk!
[Later note: I subsequently found my hat in the pocket of my coat and wore it from this moment on I'll let you know tomorrow if I got burnt!]
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